Hi! This is Alex!
And I am here for your story
Als Freelance Illustratorin, Künstlerin und Mediengestalterin aus dem Schwarzwald, Deutschland, illustriere ich am liebsten für Kinder, Bildung, Food / Lifestyle, Muster für Textildesign und Gesundheitsthemen. Dabei inspiriert mich alles aus dem Alltag, Eindrücke aus meinem Van-life 2018-23 und Dinge, die mich berühren, wie Spiele, Filme und Musik.
Mein Stil reicht von minimalistisch zu bunt-verspielt mit Einflüssen aus Comic, Jugendstil und Aquarellen, mit sanft-bunten Tönen und liebevollen Details. Ich liebe es, Visionen mit Farbe und Ausdruck zum Leben zu erwecken und dabei eine Persönlichkeit zu geben. Dabei arbeite ich gern eng mit Kunden aus jedem Bereich zusammen, um Ihre Geschichte und Ihr Projekt zu verstehen und umzusetzen.
As a freelance illustrator, artist, and media designer from the Black Forest, Germany, I love illustrating for children, educational projects, food/lifestyle, textile patterns, and health topics. I draw inspiration from everyday life, impressions from my Van-life (2018-2023), and things that move me, like games, films, and music.
My style ranges from minimalistic to colorful and playful, influenced by comics, Art Nouveau, and watercolors, with soft, vibrant tones and loving details. I enjoy bringing visions to life with color and expression, giving them a unique personality. I work closely
with clients from all fields to understand and bring their story and project to life.
tel: +49 157 83 03 05 28
email: hi@alexandragregor.com
Commissions & Graphics: Ko-Fi and Patreon​​​​​​​
Devin Hermanson for ProgressFritz-Schubert Institut Heidelberg, Sven Buttlar, Tobias Rohde, Sascha Stösser, Lebensfach Glück e.V., Veleum GmbH, Marc Nemitz, Rasmus Fuhse, Windelzauberland.de, lenitas gGmbHProLiberis gGmbH, Tim Griffin, Mike Hientzsch, Sarah Karimi, Lachs & Moritz Frankfurt, Maurizio Kemptner, iMago Tanzverein, Tobias Niemann, Missy Peterson, Pacifico Renewables, Relaxn, Das Teutenblatt, Silke Wahl, True USA a.m.
The collaboration was flawless and easy at all times. Draft versions of the work were shown to open a dialogue and incorporate changes. The project was completed quickly and to full satisfaction without any difficulties.
- Sven Buttlar / Digital artist
The collaboration with Frau Gregor was a consistently recommendable experience for me. From ideation and conception to the first drafts and final graphics, the process was pleasant and the communication was always timely and comprehensive. The high level of professionalism, and understanding of my needs, coupled with initiative and great craftsmanship and creativity, have made me a repeat customer of Frau Gregor.
- Tobias Rohde / Entrepreneur
Frau Gregor has exceeded my expectations every time. Whether it was an illustrative drawing or a business brochure, and with various design requirements or as a free design: The results were always first-class.
- Timo Stösser / for vhsrt
In my work with Alexandra I have experienced her to be:
• always available, communicable and friendly
• explaining simply
• calm, open and sympathetic to communicate and work with
• highly professional

• flexible, fast, and effective
• creative and reliable
- Anne van Zoest / for Lebensfach Glück e.V.
„Alexandra is deeply thoughtful and collaborative, even from a great distance. Highly skilled technically and always hungry to grow in every way. The work she did for us was outstanding.“
Digitally hand-drawn illustrations for young and old from colorful children styles, comic styles to minimalist vector
Photoshop Artworks
Custom photo composites crafted with love, imagination and attention to detail to showcase your vision
Photo retouch and Editing
Photo retouching, manipulation, and repair services by a Photoshop nerd since Photoshop 5 in 1998 ;)
Editorial Design
Designs for packaging, stationary & promotional paper, textile materials and however type meets image
Work Priorities
For effective communication and a deep understanding of client and client needs, empathy is a must. I listen with empathy, interest and passion for your success.
I treat each project as my own and develop a high level of enthusiasm for product and brand, whether it’s illustrating a story, designing a brand or crafting a layout, which leads to high dedication and a personal emotional investment to achieving great results. In other words, I'm going to get into it and be happy as a 3-year old on Christmas when you're happy with your result.
Integrity, Accountability and Fairness
Hiring a creative is an investment in time, money and trust. I value these commitments highly and I value creating a product both client and myself can stand behind proudly. This includes a sense of responsibility, quality and responsible handling of deadlines.
Open and friendly, collaborative Communication
I value open, clear, and friendly communication, ensuring that we work together effectively to bring your vision to life successfully
Focus on the story, big picture and details
I balance an eye for detail and a passion for the whole story, ensuring a storytelling result made with dedication.

Let’s work together!
Looking forward to hearing from you
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