Square Foldable Flyer Design
Square, foldable Flyer which plays with the perspective created by the fold and with rounded corners, not just in the design but also by cutting rounded edges on the final product.
The green used, as well as the puzzle pieces, I derived from the greens I was using for the Sollbruch related businesses and as well, and the puzzle pieces used as bullet points in other designs I created for the Fritz Schubert Institute as well. Photos were taken by me, on different occasions while visiting the Sollbruch Beratungsbüro during seminars, coaching, business hours and of the official office rooms and inventory.
Tobias Rohde/Sollbruch gathers various ventures under their umbrella, including all four Logos visible as blue-white puzzle pieces on the front page, three of which I had the pleasure to create. These are the Logo for Sollbruch Lernstudio (Cube with S); The Logo for the Idea trader (the paper plane from sketch to finish); and the self conceptualizing man drawing himself.