Logo, identity concept and flyer for Lebensfach Glück e.V.
Services: Logo, Identity Concept, Flyer

On their website lebensfach-glueck.com the organisation describes their concept as follows:
“Happiness as psychological well-being makes everyone more social, creative, solution-oriented, resilient and keeps us healthy. By founding our association, we have created a platform to offer opportunities to get closer to this goal. “First off, we aim to establish the further training “school subject happiness – learning goal: well-being” in Rhineland – Palatinate.” In cooperation with and after established models by the Fritz Schubert Institute Heidelberg, LFG offers seminars and further education for teachers and trainers.
The Freelance Logo for Lebensfach Glück

The symbolism needed to convey movement, development, and growth. Additionally, their training seminars “school subject happiness” established by the Fritz Schubert Institute Heidelberg consistently use a ship as the primary symbol. Furthermore, the sail, a central element, symbolizes the motivating power of the wind. As a result, the final logo features a stylized sail, accompanied by a thin, sleek bow symbolizing the ship’s body.

We established a warm yellow in combination with a contrasting grey early in the process, in combination with a rounded, warm typeface. The logo displays movement and drive. The flyer I created accordingly. It is mostly a handout to attract, but moreso inform interested clients, as well as list all important information and dates in an appealing way.

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