Ideenhändler Tobias Rohde requested a Business Card including a custom illustrated symbol logo to symbolise a process of piloting a project from idea to actualisation. Additionally, I created a font for the card and future uses in this section of his work.
The Jobtitles the symbol and card was to be created for were 
• Ideenhändler (= Idea Trader)
• Pilotprojekteflieger (=Pilot project "pilot" or carrier)
• Systemischer Berater (=Systemic Consultor)
I then went to scribble numerous ideas and versions of these ideas, ranging from associations to ideas, Communication and trade, piloting and supporting, such as light bulbs, versions of speech bubbles or mixes thereof, stylized pilots and pilot glasses.
The Logo
Eventually I took a sheet of paper and folded a paper plane, and suggested a logo that demonstrated the whole process from first draft to finish by starting as scribble lines in the back and finishing as a clean, final vector logo in the front. I ended up creating that logo and an additional, fully finalized version, for products and documents like i.e. final certificates for people who finalized a course or project series. 
The Typeface
The typeface used on the cards is actually the client's handwriting, which I redrew and used Illustrator and Font Creator Pro to create a font from to reuse as a deco font in documents such as posters, Flyer Headlines etc. He asked for a scribblish kind of chalk-y pencil type font, so I created a sketch-like Typeface in Illustrator, from which I transferred the final letters to Font Creator. 

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